I Brake for ...
As an eBay seller, I brake for: garage sales estate sales yard sales flea markets antique stores thrift shops auctions dumpsters...
Selling Costumes
Costumes sell on eBay and Halloween is coming! The best sales weekend will be the weekend before Halloween - you know buyers love to...
What I Wish I Knew Before Selling on eBay
A little bit of advice to anyone who is just starting to sell on eBay, or even to those of you who are just thinking about it. First be a...
Have You Looked In This Section When Thrifting?
Let's talk about a very overlooked category .... ties. A new tie in a retail store is usually $25 or more. Cheap to buy, easy to store,...
A Tip On How To Get Repeat Customers on eBay
What would make you come back to a store again and again? Special sales!!!! Did you know that you can offer your eBay customers...
You Know You're An eBay Seller When ...
you are on a first name basis with your post office. every inch of any spare closet space in your home is packed with eBay inventory....
Items to Leave at the Thrift Store
I wrote about what items you should be looking for, here are a few items that my Facebook Groups and You Tubers suggest you don't pick up....
Items To Look For When Thrifting
I am a member of various eBay Facebook Groups plus I watch YouTube religiously for learning purposes. I compiled their suggestions for...
Photography Tips
While anyone can take a snapshot of a person or an item with an automatic camera, special care is required to make a static object look...
Background Removal
Want to make your eBay pictures look a little better? Take them on a white or black background and then use FotoFuze to enhance your...