Watch Count - Popular Items in eBay shows you the most popular eBay items in real-time, as voted by eBay users. eBay continuously tracks votes (when users click "Add to Watch List") and they report the results. eBay sellers tend to use this feature to keep tabs on their competition (how much did this item ultimately sell for?) and as one of many ways to generally monitor the market. The Watch Count can be an informative metric to use when evaluating market demand. Seeing what items others have heavily (or lightly) flagged for watching can help both buyers and sellers alike make more informed decisions in their activities on eBay. If you're a seller, you can use the results displayed by to add another edge to your market research efforts. You're already watching important items; now you can see how many others are, at various points leading up to auction ending. And, naturally, high Watch Counts on an item may be a relative indication of consumer appeal, suggesting a hot item, attractive listing/photos, or intelligently selected title keywords.